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Quilt Mania!

Help beat the current Guinness World Record for largest quilt and help the underprivileged .

Quilt Mania 2015 is trying to reach a target of 11 000 quilts to beat the current Guinness World Records holder for the largest quilt.

Sheila van Dyk, member of Quilt Mania says, “Thanks to the wonderful Randburg Sun readers who donated books, cottons, buttons, material and other haberdashery items for our various charity projects.”

Each quilt is donated to people in the community who are underprivleged. They host a charity sewing evening at the Mugg and Bean in Boskruin once a month.

Over the past three evenings they have participated in, an average of 15 quilts are completed each night.

The next meeting will be held on 13 September at the Mugg and Bean at 6pm, you would need to bring a sewing machine and cotton, the rest is provided by the group organizer.

Details: Sheila van Dyk, svandyk@live.co.za or 082 940 9961; Mugg and Bean, Corner Hawken and Pres Fouché Drive, Boskruin.

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