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Woman gives birth on pavement

FONTAINEBLEAU – Woman allegedly turned away from Windsor Clinic, walks 4 kms while in labour.

A man has claimed that he watched a woman give birth on a Fontainebleau pavement after she was allegedly shown away at Windsor East Clinic.

Ryan Frey stated that he was driving from his office in Fontainebleau toward Randburg CBD on 28 August, when he saw a woman hunched over on a pavement. Compelled to see if she was ok, he stopped to assist her.

To his utter shock, he saw that the woman was busy giving birth.

“I assisted her as much as I could and she gave birth to a beautiful premature baby girl,” said Frey.

He continued to say that the baby was covered in dirt and grass. “She wasn’t crying, but she was breathing and her little fingers were moving.”

Frey then contacted an employee to bring a car and a first aid kit while more people arrived with blankets. An unknown man drove to the Medi-Cross on Rabie Road and returned with two nurses who cut the umbilical cord and also removed the placenta.

Frey then took the woman and her baby to Olivedale Clinic, “I was worried about the health of the baby being premature.”

“The shocking part of the story is, the woman had gone to Windsor clinic in labour and they had turned her away!”

She apparently walked 4 km  from the clinic before giving birth.

Windsor East Clinic has denied this claim, however. “We will never show any patients away,” said maternity nurse at the clinic, Diana Masa. “We have no knowledge of the incident because her name is not on our register and all patients are registered with us before receiving treatment.”

Masa also stated that the clinic provides treatment for pregnant women up until nine months and that the clinic does not have a labour ward to facilitate the birthing process.

“But even when women come here to give birth in an emergency, we will always help them and make sure they are okay before taking them to Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital by ambulance.”

Masa concluded by saying that all medical staff at the clinic adhere to the Hippocratic Oath they have taken when coming into practise.

The mother and baby has since been transferred to Rahima Moosa Hospital and are confirmed to be in a stable condition.

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