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Prepare for exams the pyjama way

RANDPARK RIDGE - The Tutor the Future pupils enjoyed a pajams day with positive spirit.

What a better day to gear up for cold weather and exams than having a day of fun at school in your pyjamas?

This is exactly how Randpark Ridge Learning Centre’s Tutor the Future School rewarded their pupils, following an incentive to participate in the challenge of ‘positive week.’

“Pupils were encouraged to say only positive comments to each other, which in turn led to a good atmosphere. This was a great way to ease the anxiety and nerves for the upcoming exams,” said founder of Tutor the Future, Sue Jerg.

“The Learning Centre has been running Tutor the Future since 2006. Since its establishment, my aim for the school was to introduce to the small classes a loving environment which enables learning and building the pupils’ self-esteem.”

According to Jerg, small classes cater to pupils who need a more individual approach to mainstream schooling, using a distant education curriculum approved by the Gauteng Education Department.

The school offers all exam subjects –mathematics, English, Afrikaans, natural science and technology, social science, life orientation, economic management science and computers facilitated with the prescribed work books.

“With qualified teachers for grades 4 to 7, Tutor the Future has been operating successfully in its years of existence. Most of the pupils who leave the centre are ready to mainstream into bigger schools should their parent wish to move them there,” Jerg added.


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