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Driveway robbery caught on camera

BLAIRGOWRIE – Notorious silver Merc gang now allegedly operating in Randburg suburbs.

Shocking video footage of Blairgowrie residents being robbed or hi-jacked in their driveway has been loaded on the social media site YouTube.

In the security footage, a white Renault Sandero begins to make its way out of a driveway, and waits about 15 seconds for the gate to close. A silver Mercedes is seen pulling up behind the Sandero, and three armed men get out.

One man holds the driver at gunpoint, forcing him out of the vehicle and an accomplice takes the man hostage while the gate is re-opened. A woman comes to the gate, where the first suspect takes her jewellery and forces her to sit next to the gate, all the while waving his gun in her face.

Both victims are then forced back into the house. A third suspect then follows them into the house, and is seen leaving toward the Mercedes with a handbag.

The video then stops. It is unknown what happens to the victims or the Sandero thereafter.

Blairgowrie Community Association (BCA) chairperson Jed Kemery confirmed that there has been a sharp increase in such incidences in Blairgowrie over recent weeks.

“A silver Mercedes has been linked to many of these robberies and hi-jackings, but not all of them,” stated Kemery. “We believe they have been operating in our area for a few months now. They block people coming into or leaving their homes or offices; and then steal whatever they can get their hands on. They regularly shoot people with little remorse.”

Kemery advises residents to be vigilant and alert. “In order to keep your eyes on your street and surroundings, it’s best to reverse into your driveway, if possible. That also allows you to leave your driveway nose-first and able to speed off, should a car try and block you. This will show any criminals watching, that you are alert.”

He continues to warn residents not to remain stationary in the driveway when the gate is opening or closing. “Remain in the road, while you wait and keep an eye out for suspicious activity or cars in your street before reversing in.”

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