
No to drugs, yes to Jesus

WINDSOR - Residents don't want drugs in their community.

No to drugs, yes to Jesus, was the main slogan during a Windsor anti-drug march recently.

One of the Windsor residents Sharon Peters, said that she has witnessed drug trafficking in the area for about three years.

“We had the first march in 2012 after I had a God inspired vision to fight against drug dealing and drug use in Windsor,” explained Peters.

She said that the marches have also prompted massive raids in the area. “The turning point was last year when the provisional commissioner came,” she added.

Through the marches Peters and other residents ensure that they emphasise to the community not support drug dealers in Windsor.

“Drugs destroy lives and it becomes a bigger problem because it can lead to prostitution, transmission of HIV and other social ills,” Peters continued.

The selling of drugs is a major cause for concern in Windsor.

Another resident Justine Kariko who has been living in the area for 10 years accused foreigners of selling drugs and police for doing nothing. “This place changed when these Nigerians came here, they sell drugs and the police never do much about it,” alleged Kariko.

“I have seen people selling drugs on the street but it becomes difficult because some police are on the drug dealers payroll,” Peters alleged.

It will seem that Kariko and Peters were dead-on because two males in Windsor East admitted to selling drugs.

“We do it all for the money” they said.

These two men refused neither to be named nor to have their photographs taken.

“My children are growing up being exposed to all these ills, I am happy to see someone taking a stand against drugs,” said Thembelihle Thodlana, a resident.

Peters called on the police to stop corruption and arrest all drug dealers in the community.

“We call on the community to take action and stand up and fight for a drug free Windsor,” she urged the community.

More than 40 people attended the march including law enforcement officers.

Details: Sharon Peters 076 155 5673.

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