
OPINION: Cloud solutions for fast and stable internet connectivity

Cloud computing removes requirements for infrastructure and servers on site and instead allows access to infrastructure owned by a hosting provider within the cloud.

Cloud computing is particularly effective for distributed small businesses ā€“ instead of a server at each site, this can all be pushed to a central cloud service.

The system makes use of hardware and software based off-site and accessed via the Internet that leverages economies of scale. It is the process of moving IT services that do not necessarily need to be on-site to a specialised server environment. These centres take into account resiliency when it comes to environmental factors, data communications and security.

Typically, these resources are shared by multiple tenants which in turn bring down costs significantly and in most cases, alleviate the risk of single points of failure as would be with an on-site solution.

Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMME) will benefit from Cloud computing as it allows access to the latest technology, optimising business efficiency, improving scalability, flexibility and moving from a capital to an operational expense.

Hosted services is another form of Cloud computing and tends to be more secure than on-premise solutions. Hosted providers utilise more stringent physical security, and adhere to best practices.

However, connectivity remains a key barrier to entry with regard to accessing these services. While availability and affordability of bandwidth has improved, balancing speed, availability and cost remains an issue.

With connectivity there are many options. ADSL is the most popular option, but has its challenges, such as stability, cable theft and outages. 3G/LTE connectivity is another popular option but is more expensive than ADSL, and does not provide the same levels of stability.

Solutions can be tailored and scaled to meet the needs and budgets of SMMEs. However, in order to ensure the appropriate connectivity is deployed it is vital to understand the exact needs of the business from the outset. This will be determined by the type and number of cloud services that need to be accessed, and the number of users who need to access them.

Partnering with a specialist consultancy service will ensure that the organisation’s needs are assessed accurately further ensuring that full advantage is taken of these solutions.

Cloud computing delivers a more cost effective path to accessing technology, with a scalable, pay per use, flexible delivery model suiting many budgets. However, connectivity is the foundation of cloud computing and must be adequately addressed before moving into the cloud.

Dawie Bloomberg is managing director of Green Apple IT.

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