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Sharp support for rhinos

Project fighting rhino poaching using data receives R50 000.

A project that fights rhino poaching by placing rhino DNA profiles onto a database was presented with a cheque of R50 000 on 26 February.

The RhODIS (Rhino DNA Index System) DNA Project, which is a database of rhino DNA profiles collected from rhino carcasses across South Africa, was presented the cheque by Rock ‘n Ride 4 Rhino.

The database allows recovered rhino horns to be linked to their carcasses. This forms a connection between certain poachers and crime scenes, and assists the fight against rhino poaching as routes poachers travel are identified and sentencing for someone found in possession of a rhino horn is more severe when the horn can be linked to a crime scene.

Horns recovered in Asia have already been linked to crime scenes in South Africa. The system is a project of the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria.

The head of the laboratory, Dr Cindy Harper, received the cheque at Strijdom Park Volkswagen.

She said the money came at an important time because the project has been struggling to upload the DNA of live rhinos on the system.

The money will also go towards funding the production and distribution of kits used to collect rhino DNA samples. Rock ‘n Ride 4 Rhino is a conservation, community and communications project founded by Dave Estment, Damien Mander and Jason Hartman.

It aims to create awareness, educate the public and raise funds for the fight against rhino poaching.

Details: Rock ‘n Ride 4 Rhino Co-founder Dave Estment 082 882 7272.

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