
Meet Northriding entrepreneur, motivational speaker and author, Khanyi Madlala

"An open hand that gives is better than one that withholds," says local entrepreneur.

Women need to rise up in business, help those in need and not let obstacles deter them.

These were the thoughts of Khanyi Madlala – an entrepreneur, motivational speaker and author based in Northriding. She also calls herself a mother, daughter and sister to many, as well as a “spiritual leader who’s highly involved with ministry and is passionate about people’s lives”.

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“Growing up, I had observed how my grandmother would help the needy, take young girls to school, and believe that’s the origins of my giving nature,” she explained.

“As a mature woman, I now understand life’s principles and that an open hand that gives is better than one that withholds. I believe that with the little that one has, we are to bless those less fortunate around us and give hope in a sometimes hopeless, selfish world.”

Madlala sees her actions as an opportunity to be an example to her children and show them that life is not just about them but that their effectiveness in society is measured by the positive impact they have on others, particularly the less fortunate.

Entrepreneur, motivational speaker and author Khanyi Madlala believes we should always strive to bless the less fortunate.

“Often our careers or chosen paths are to an extent directed by our personal lives, our experiences, dreams and passions. It’s my personal life that has taught me resilience, independence and confidence to have chosen a career in communications, media and marketing.”

She said entrepreneurs and business leaders will always face challenges, but it is their ability to navigate, pivot and overcome that keeps them motivated and winning.

“I overcome obstacles by always looking for the silver lining in a challenge and surrounded myself with trusted mentors who have walked the path, mostly by prayer and faith.”

Madlala encourages young women to rise up and make a difference in their communities.

“Allow a paradigm shift from women being portrayed as takers and start with your immediate communities. Adopt a needy girl or boy child that you see struggling for basic needs and education and pitch in. Strengthen yourself in your career and business to enable you to make a difference in the world.”

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