
Graduating to big school

BLAIRGOWRIE - The youngsters, dressed in graduation robes that were too large for some of them, made it a fun event and hummed and danced to music between clapping for their friends on stage.

Grade R learners celebrated the end of the school year and their progression to ‘big school’ at a special graduation ceremony.

This at Blairgowrie Primary School on December 8, where each teacher had a chance to call their class onto stage, and mention an encouraging comment specific to each child before they received their graduation certificates.

The youngsters await their turn to go on stage. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The youngsters, dressed in graduation robes that were too large for some of them, made it a fun event and hummed and danced to music between clapping for their friends on stage.

The youngsters perform their Grade R song and dance. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“It is hard to say goodbye to you all and I know you will do so well,” said grade leader Nicole Koekemoer.

Principal Pat Oosthuizen also congratulated the youngsters and told them the teachers believe in them. “We love you lots and we want you to stay safe as many of you go away over the break,” she said from the stage.

Principal Pat Oosthuizen greets each child safely. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“I look forward to seeing you all next year in your uniforms for big school.”

Principal Pat Oosthuizen tells the youngsters that their teachers believe in them. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The learners performed their Grade R song and dance to conclude the event.

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