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Operation Okae Molao in full force

ZANDSPRUIT – The Honeydew Police Station has begun their Okae Molao operations to curb crime and show an active police presence ahead of and during the festive season.

The Honeydew police, alongside the Metro police and the police’s Saturation Unit, set up a massive roadblock at the corner of Beyers Naudé Drive and Marina Road in Zandspruit on 5 November.

Social Crime Prevention coordinator Sergeant Mamasedi May said, “We established a visible checkpoint where hundreds of vehicles were stopped and searched for stolen goods and other illegal items. We also checked for stolen vehicles.”

Social Crime Prevention coordinator Sergeant Mamasedi May hands out several pamphlets with information addressing gender-based violence and sexual abuse to passing motorists. Photo: Supplied

Road traffic fines were issued by the Metro police to motorists with unroadworthy vehicles and for other traffic infringements.

May, along with second-hand goods officer Sergeant Ellah Gumbo, handed out several pamphlets with information addressing gender-based violence and sexual abuse to passing motorists to help enforce the police’s drive to raise awareness about the issue.

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