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Ward 134 food collection drive going well

Residents are encouraged to donate essential items. The donations primarily go to communities in need, like shelters, child-headed households and the unemployed.

A Ward 134 and Food Lover’s Market Covid-19 food donation drive is going incredibly well thanks to community support, according to Ward 134 councillor, Wendy Alexander.

“Donations have been going exceptionally well and they have been helping many families in need. The initial donations that we have received have been extraordinary,” she said.

Alexander said that due to the lockdown, movement is very limited but people remain in need. Residents are encouraged to donate essential items. The donations primarily go to communities in need, like shelters, child-headed households and the unemployed.

Alexander hinted that both she and Food Lover’s Markets would like to make the drive even more personal. “We are hoping to upgrade the drive a bit by letting people stick messages of support onto the goods, but we are still sorting out this process,” she said.

While there have been many donations, Alexander said that there will always be a big need for more.”

All donations are donated to those in need in areas surrounding the Lifestyle Garden Centre,” she said. There is a need currently for toiletries, non-perishable foods, cooking utensils, and cooking appliances.

Alexander said that if you would like to donate while doing your essential shopping, you can simply drop off any donations at the dedicated drop off point at Food Lover’s Market at the Lifestyle Garden Centre. She said, “I will continue to find the additional drop off points for donations. I will also communicate them with the residents soonest.

“GP Security has very graciously made themselves available to transport these donations to Region C’s Social Services depot.”

Alexander added that she would like to thank the community for their support and she hopes that this spirit continues after the lockdown has concluded.

Details: Ward 134 councillor Wendy Alexander 083 524 7658.

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