
2020 in good hands

FONTAINEBLEAU – The newly elected prefects at Hoërskool Randburg are ready to take the reins.

 On 10 September the Hoërskool Randburg head prefects were chosen to lead the school for next year. The leaders among leaders, chosen from a pool of 34 Grade 11 learners, were set to lead the school next year.

The four deputies and two head prefects spoke about the honour of being elected and what they regard as an exceptionally strong, tight-knit matric group. “We’re excited for next year. It’s a big honour and we’re a strong group. I think we can be one of the best groups the school has ever had,” exclaimed head girl Amoré Vlok.

Deputy head boy Pieter-Jan Bosman explained how the number 2020 was such a great number and how he was particularly excited to lead because of that symbolism.

The new head prefects at Hoërskool Randburg are excited for next year Back: Pieter-Jan Bosman and Ruan van Tonder. Front: Amica Human, Amoré Vlok and Albert Kirsten. Absent: Amica Human
Photo: Ofentse Moduka

On plans the top six minus one had in terms of next year, the learners were eager to continue the traditions of the school, with the inclusion of their own, after being signed off by the high school’s principal. The prefects attended a leadership camp in the previous week and had brainstormed some ideas as a group.

“It is easy to have ideas, but not as easy to execute them,” elaborated deputy head boy Albert Kirsten. He was met with resolute agreement by his fellow heads who felt that implementation was a whole different ballgame.

With over 150 learners in Grade 11 this year, the head prefects felt that this serves as an asset as they enter the next year. The varying talents, close-knit culture of the school and morale of the soon-to-be matrics, were the assets the group identified.

The group has aimed to work together in order to navigate the demands of the final year of high school, with additional responsibility. After they acknowledged the task ahead of them, there was a unanimous declaration that they were all capable of effective balance. Although aware of the challenges which lie ahead of them, their high spirits were sealed with a group photo and words of encouragement for the Springboks at the 2019 Japan Rugby World Cup.

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