
Suspect faces charges of theft at Randburg Magistrates’ Court

FERNDALE – The suspect allegedly stole a victims phone under the guise that he wanted to send a 'please call me.'

A 39-year-old suspect appeared briefly in the Randburg Magistrates’ Court to face charges of theft.

It is alleged that on 23 June, at about 11am, the victim was at the Randburg Library holding his Samsung cell phone. Captain Makgowanyana Maja, spokesperson for the Randburg Police Station, said the victim was then approached by a male who asked if he could use his phone, as he just wanted to send a ‘please call me’ during which the suspect then disappeared with the phone.

“A few days later, the suspect went back to the same area for the next target, but his luck had ran out,” said Maja.

His previous victim spotted him and then informed the Johannesburg Metro Police who arrested him. “The police were called and the suspect was handed to them for detention.”

Maja would like to thank the officers for their effort and help in the fight against crime and encourage more citizens to participate in giving more information on suspicious persons or any criminal activities. “Furthermore, the station would like to warn our communities not lend their properties to unknown persons.”

Maja shared the tactic of suspects asking victims to lend them their phones to use is a new modus operandi for criminals to steal the phone. “We further warn those who usually use money markets to transfer money to their relatives to make sure that their security pins are secured.”

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