
Police offer precautions after Bryanston house robbery

BRYANSTON – The Randburg Police are urging the community to be vigilant after a house robbery occured on 20 November.


Following an armed robbery in Bryanston on 20 November, Randburg police spokesperson Captain Makgowanyana Maja has issued the following tips on how to remain safe and avoid falling victim to house robberies:

  • Always observe your surroundings when driving in or out of your property
  • Make sure that there is nothing hindering your sensors on your gate or any suspicious items around
  • Do not underestimate suspicious movement on your street. You might be robbed of your motor vehicle or your gate may be tampered with immediately after you leave so that the potential criminal can enter your property
  • Report any suspicious movements to the police or security
  • Avoid wearing expensive jewellery when going out shopping or in any public spaces
  • Avoid travelling alone at night
  • Do not stop at hijacking spots or in secluded areas
  • If you suspect you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station
  • Do not pick up any hitchhikers
  • Always increase your cautiousness at intersections when there are loiterers around your car.

To read the full story about the armed robbery, make sure to catch your Randburg Sun newspaper, week ending 30 November.


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