
Randburg Police Station issues tips to keep you safe

RANDBURG – Ensure your safety by following these tips the Randburg Police Station has issued.

After an incident where a man was allegedly robbed of his jewellery while he waited to enter a residence, the Randburg Police Station issued the following precautionary tips that residents should practise, which will ensure their safety:

When leaving home:

  • Before opening your perimeter gate, ensure there is no one loitering outside
  • As soon as you exit your property set your alarm. If you cannot hear the system is set, install a small light on the outside of the house that is linked to the alarm system that shows when the alarm is set
  • Never drive away from your property without checking that the gate has fully closed
  • If you see any suspicious-looking individuals loitering near your home, do not approach them, rather call the relevant authorities.

On the road home:

  • If you suspect that you are being followed, slow down at least two to three houses away from your home
  • By doing so you will force the vehicle behind you to pass and this could deter the criminals to lose interest
  • Always make sure that you can see the back wheels of the car in front of you when you are in traffic. This gives you enough room to escape
  • Never get out of your car in traffic when a car taps you from behind. Rather, drive to the nearest public spot and signal the driver behind you to do the same
  • If you live in a secure complex, it is still advisable to be vigilant when entering the complex as it is still possible for criminals to enter without being noticed
  • Never antagonise hijackers. If you are being hijacked, lift your hands and show them that you are not a threat
  • Always remain calm while trying not to make eye contact with the hijacker. Try to remember what they are wearing in order to identify them later.

When arriving home/When at home:

  • If you think you are being followed, do not go home. Drive to the nearest police station or to another safe place e.g. a petrol station
  • Deactivate your alarm once you are sure the area is safe
  • If a relative is already at home and has deactivated the alarm, check your surroundings before entering the property
  • Wait until your gate has closed fully before proceeding up the driveway.

ALSO READ: Robbers on the run in Ferndale

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