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Local resident plans to change her community one beanie at a time

RANDPARK RIDGE – Megan Botha shares how she hopes to assist her community one kind gesture at a time.

Birthdays are special for many reasons and to some it is a blessing of a new year and to others it is the call to start something new.

Megan Botha saw her 46th birthday as just that, an opportune time to do something completely out of her realm. Instead of receiving gifts this year, Botha opted to knit 460 beanies to give to abused and abandoned children.

“My birthday was in April and by June I was assisted in making 1 200 beanies,” said Botha.

She said among the many charities which received their share of the 1 200 beanies, Charity Begins With Me and Kindness Like Confetti were two them. Each received more than 400 and 200 beanies respectively.

Botha also started a group called In Stitches and women meet once a month and learn new knitting techniques. “Recently they learned how to knit an elephant and these would be given to children.”

Along with knitted toys, the women also knit scarfs, blankets and beanies for needy children. This year she will work with Meals On Wheels and host a Christmas party for improvised children of Soweto.

“The children will get individual party packs that include a handmade party pack of sweets, a beanie, scarf and mittens.”

She expressed that it felt great to give back to the community as she feels she is a voice for those who cannot speak.

“I do not feel I deserve credit as without the help of all the donations and the sponsorships we get, we would not have been able to do all that we have accomplished.”

Botha’s hope for her new venture is that it becomes so big that the women can do community projects. She hopes to be able to empower people who look after children.

“My vision is to carry on helping in any way I can. I never thought of starting a charity organisation, but it has been put on my path for a reason so I must see it through.”

Should you wish to assist in any way, Botha has drop-off points all over the community, one of them being Little Field Mouse Pop-Up Store at Randridge Mall.

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