
Alleged ATM bombers in the dock

JOBURG – Case against two men facing several counts postponed in order to allow the director of public prosecutions to make a decision on representation.


The case against two men who allegedly bombed an automated teller machine (ATM) in Rabie Ridge five years ago has been postponed to 5 September to allow the director of public prosecutions to make a decision about representation.

The two men appeared briefly in the Randburg Magistrates’ Court on 31 August charged with several counts, which include, among others, the ATM bombing.

The state alleges that on 10 January 2012, the two suspects bombed the Absa ATM in Rabie Ridge, damaged property worth R200 000 and also stole R66 950.

The state also alleges that the duo stole a BMW vehicle in the same area, and shot the victim after threatening him with a firearm.

The two men are also accused of possession of explosives and five unlawful firearms and ammunition.

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