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Wavy wonder in Norscot

NORSCOT – Instructors give children free swimming lessons while they complete a swimming teaching course.


A whopping 432 youngsters enjoyed free swimming lessons thanks to Swim England  and the Institute of Swimming.

Under the guidance of 12 swimming teachers and teachers-in-training, who are completing their Swim England Level 1 and Level 2 courses, the children made waves at Aqua Marine Aquatics Academy in Norscot between 30 June and 7 July.

Riley Visagie and Jabari Kangoro are taught by an enthusiastic teacher, Caryn Fisher. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

While some already knew how to doggy-paddle, others had not been in a pool before, so there was plenty of giggling, splashing and wavy wonder in the water.

The tasks ranged from fetching balls in the pool, to jumping into the pool and catching a pool noodle on the way down, to even swimming toes first without splashing.

Cade Knipe fetches a ball out the pool. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“South Africa has a certificate for teaching which expires and has to be renewed, while Swim England has a permanent qualification. That is why we are trying to get teachers to do this course,” said Naomi Dodge, a Swim England tutor who oversaw the course.

Buhle Khumalo gleefully jumps in the pool short of the pool noodle. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

She stressed that every child should be taught how to swim, not just to keep them safe in water, but so they could one day swim competitively if they chose to.

Robyn Wilkins, one of the teachers doing the course, said that teaching swimming is the most rewarding job in the world.

“Once you teach someone to swim, they will remember that forever. You cannot take it away from them. They will love water because of me,” Wilkins said.

Another teacher, Natalie Pearl, said it was great to help children overcome their fear of water and teach them the life skill of swimming in a safe environment.

Nomhle Nongoma comforts a slightly frightened Julienne Polchet, as they make friends at a free swimming lesson. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


Isla Knipe prepares to throw her ball in the box. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


Andrishka Reddy awaits the next instruction from her swimming teacher. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


Ethan Resnik, teacher David Gal and Henro Röhrs go through the basics of swimming at a free swimming lesson. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


Chante Röhrs prepares to catch the pool noodle as she jumps in the water. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


Ruben Röhrs is in wavy wonder at a free swimming lesson. Photo: Nicholas Zaal


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