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Senior citizens get crime smart

NORTHWOLD – Honeydew SAPS provides safety tips for the folks at Sonneglans Retirement Park.

The senior citizens learned crime awareness tips to keep safe during their travels and at home.

As part of social crime prevention, Honeydew SAPS Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs spoke to the folks at Sonneglans Retirement Park on 8 June.

WO Jacobs discussed how it is important to make sure all windows are closed and doors are locked. “When you return home from your errands, please remember to remove the keys from the door or gate after you have locked it,” added WO Jacobs.

Senior citizens are cautioned to be extra careful when drawing their pension every month. “Do not let people offer their help to you when drawing money. Very often they may seem innocent but criminals come in all shapes and colours,” explained WO Jacobs.

Here are more tips that senior citizens can use:

When you are out:

  •  Don’t carry a purse if you can avoid it, never carry a wallet in your back pocket – put it in an inside pocket
  •  Don’t display large sums of cash
  • Avoid walking alone at night.
  • When you are at home:
  •  Keep your doors locked at all times
  • Get to know your neighbours and keep their phone numbers in case of an emergency
  • Keep your home well lit at night, inside and out, keep curtains closed.

Watch out for con artists:

  • Don’t fall for anything that sounds too good to be true
  • Never give your bank details to anyone
  • Don’t let anyone rush you into signing anything.

Details: Honeydew SAPS, 011 801 8613/4/5.

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