
How much money is spent on traffic light repairs?

JOBURG – How much does it cost the City to repair traffic lights damaged due to accidents?

Have you ever wondered what it costs to fix traffic lights after they have been knocked down?

Very often traffic lights are damaged due to accidents on Joburg roads.

Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) spokesperson Bertha Peters-Scheepers clarifies the cost of traffic light repairs. According to JRA statistics from July 2015, more than 766 traffic light poles have been damaged due to accidents.

“City insurer AON has access to the JMPD accident database and where they have information, they claim from motorists,” commented Peters-Scheepers.

JMPD spokesperson Superintendent Edna Mamonyane said, “On a daily basis there are traffic lights and poles damaged by accidents on our roads.”

In July 2013 to June 2014 JRA claimed:

Theft or vandalism: R3 618 569.78

Accidents: R5 239 423.98

Total: R8 857 993.76 for that financial year.

In July 2014 to June 2015 JRA claimed:

Theft or vandalism: R4 561 410.36

Accidents: R6 033 090.39

Total: R10 594 500.75

In July 2015 to March 2016 JRA claimed:

Theft or vandalism: R3 595 098.81

Accidents: R4 298 549.28

Total: R8 374 334.93

The cost is worked out based on current contract prices for material and labour. The question remains as to who pays for the damage.

In a previous story in 2015 Peters-Scheepers said, “We have approximately 70 such instances per month where we have the responsible driver’s details or vehicle registration number. We supply this on our claim form to the City’s insurance company and they then claim back from this person.”

JRA fixes a traffic light damaged in an accident in 2015. File photo
JRA fixes a traffic light damaged in an accident in 2015. File photo

Since then, in 2016 thus far, the number of traffic lights damaged by accidents has increased to 85 per cent.

Supt Mamonyane added, “Each traffic light or pole has a number, when the JMPD records the accident, they will take down the details of the motorists involved in the accident as well as the signal numbers. From there JRA and the insurance company will liaise with us to obtain all the relevant information.”

To report faulty traffic lights or traffic lights damaged by accidents, log the complaint via these channels:

Twitter: @MyJra

Facebook: Johannesburg Roads Agency 


Call: Customer contact centre, 0860 562 874.


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