
Orion College hosts a Valentine’s Day

RANDPARK RIDGE – Pupils at Orion College celebrate Valentine's Day with a picnic and their friends.

The Orion College in Randpark Ridge hosted a Valentine’s Day picnic for their pupils on 12 February.

The picnic took place in the garden play area where children were dressed in red and white to go with the theme of the day. Orion College teacher’s assistant Leslie Steyn said the Valentine’s picnic takes place at the school every year.

“Pupils have picnics with their partners where the seniors are paired together with the junior pupils. Everyone brings their own picnic basket for two and enjoy a picnic in the garden with their partners and friends,” said Steyn.

Grade 12 pupils provided a cake and candy stall where they sold cupcakes, chocolates and decorated roses. Grade 12 Reece Roth said that they are raising funds for their Matric dance toward the end of the year.

Orion College Grade R teacher Carlie Grobler said that all the pupils created hearts with messages throughout the week.

“They had to write a story or message about what they like about their picnic partner then the hearts are placed on a white tree,” explained Grobler.

Pupils gathered on the school field to place their hearts on a white tree before sitting in a heart shaped position.

“We aim to continue to teach pupils on how to love and treat each other well. Pupils show each other support with their special needs and traits,” concluded Steyn.

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