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GALLERY: Chefs training programme launch

FERNDALE– Aspirant chefs get the opportunity to participate in a skills training programme in the field of professional cookery.

The HTA School of Culinary Arts in partnership with Seasonix and the Department of Social Development launched a chefs training programme on 7 December at the Apollo Hotel.

There were a number of notable guests speakers who came to address the students on the beginning of their new journey, as to what the course entails and how to be a successful chef in the culinary industry.

A total of 120 unemployed learners from disadvantaged backgrounds were selected to get the opportunity to be trained by professionals in the culinary arts industry. The course combines theoretical and practical learning at the HTA School of Culinary Arts in Ferndale.

Representative from Department of Social Development Gadiboleloe White addressed the students and said that the programme aims to address unemployment among the youth.

“As the Development of Social Development we have invested funds to insure that you become the best chefs in the industry but it is dependent on the efforts the you put in. It is important that all of you are compliant and dedicated to the programme,” White said.

She added that it is vital for the students to have their own personal development plan and question where they want to see themselves in five years.

The programme runs for six months, after which the successful students will receive a certificate from HTA School of Culinary Art that is recognised by the South African Chefs Association, the professional body for chefs in South Africa.

Member of Seasonix Lorraine Letwaba said they were looking for candidates from the ages of 18–30 who have a Matric qualification, are physically and mentally healthy and are from disadvantaged communities.

The programme will start next year from 1 February, where students will be allocated to different areas in the field. Students’ travelling costs, study materials, feeding schemes and uniforms will be sponsored.

General manager of the school Graham Donet encouraged students to come committed to succeeding in the programme.

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