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UPDATE: SPCA Randburg in flames

NORTH RIDING – Randburg SPCA needs to recover after a fire ravaged their storage containers.

The raging fire that broke out at the Randburg SPCA on 11 November, started next door around 8.30am, allegedly by backyard mechanics.

Randburg SPCA general manager Craig Rudman saw the fire blazing from next door, when it was about four metres away.

“I called the fire station to alert them to the fire because I was worried it would spread to our property.”

Witness accounts from across the street said, they saw the fire burning and a man hitting the fire with a large branch.

“Before we knew it, the wind had picked up and the fire was now raging into the SPCA,” said Rudman.

The flames melted the fence separating the two properties and the charity storage container outside Randburg SPCA right next to the fence then caught alight.

Staff from Hot 91.9FM across the street from the SPCA ran to help staff members take animals to safety.

“All the animals were put into offices, bathrooms, the interaction area and other places of safety,” added Rudman.

Firefighters from Randburg Department fought hard along SPCA staff to put out the blazing flames.

Worries arose when it came to light that some gas cylinders were stored inside the container.

In order to put the fires out before the explosion, firefighters used an angle grinder to open the doors.

The fire was eventually put out and the scene was declared safe.

Unfortunately, the storage container that was burned, stored most of the charity store’s items. There were no injuries to any animals or people.

Listen to Craig Rudman explain what further took place.

The Randburg SPCA desperately needs donations:

SPCA Randburg
Standard Bank
Account No: 021676682
Branch code: 018005

“It is difficult to say what we have lost as yet. Any monetary donations would be greatly appreciated, so that we can rebuild and start again,” Rudman.

He thanked all volunteers, staff and firefighters who helped during and after the fire.

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