
Commissioner’s decision is null and void

JOBURG – The CPF will continue with its oversight function despite the Provincial Police Commissioner Lt General Lesetja’s suspension decision.

It appears that the Gauteng Provincial Police Commissioner Lieutenant General Lesetja does not have power to suspend the Community Policing Forum (CPF) oversight functions.

The Department of Community Safety spokesperson Thapelo Moiloa said the commissioner’s decision was null and void. He explained that the CPF should continue its oversight functions in all the police stations in Gauteng.

“If the oversight role of CPF is suspended the police are not going to be accountable any more. Considering the high crime rate, the CPF is there to keep the police effective and efficient,” he said.

He concluded, “The CPF should continue monitoring police and establish if they are rendering the service according to the norms and standards of their work.”

The chairperson of the Community Safety Portfolio Committee of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL), Honourable Sochayile Khanyile disputed the Gauteng Police Commissioner’s decision.

In a statement released on 20 July, Khanyile assured that the Safety Committee would continue to conduct oversight over the Department of Community Safety and other related organs of the State as stated by the constitution.

To Lt General Lesetja suspension of the oversight functions of all community police forums in the province, Khanyile responded, “The GPL therefore does not agree with the Provincial Commissioner’s decision to suspend CPFs, taking into consideration their primary role as legislated in terms of Section 18 and 19 of the South African Police Service Act.”

He said as part of its oversight mandate, the committee also looks at Provincial priorities which include the monitoring and evaluation of police conduct and service efficiency.

Meanwhile Randburg CPF chairperson Sandy Andrew was adamant that Randburg CPF will continue with its oversight function to Randburg SAPS despite the Commissioner’s decision.

Details: Department of Community Safety 011 689 3826; Community Safety Portfolio Committee 011 498 5793

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