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100s and 1000s for Ann Harding

NORTHWOLD – Ann Harding Cheshire Home in Northwold appeals to donors to donate only R100 per month.

The Ann Harding Cheshire Home in Northwold is appealing to their supporters to make a small contribution for a big difference.

In their R100 means R100 000 challenge, the home is asking people in the area to donate R100. “Your R100 monthly debit order will help us achieve our target of R100 000 every month to ensure quality care and comfort for our 40 residents with physical disabilities,” said the home’s fundraiser Jackie Kyle.

Their aim is to get 1 000 people to sign up for the debit order which would ensure R100 000 each month. The money will go toward outings (which Kyle said is very important to the residents), building maintenance as well as maintenance to their two very old transport vehicles. “We have a very old building, with old piping – this has to be fixed at least once every month,” added Kyle.

The whole point is so that the home has a sustainable source of income for the residents, many of whom do not receive a subsidy. Some of the residents have no family or means of creating income and cannot afford to stay at the home without external support and donations.

To sign up for the debit order, request the form by contacting Jackie Kyle on Jackie@cheshirehomes.org.za or calling 011 793 4015.

View other stories of The Ann Harding Cheshire Home.

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