
Chris Forrest hosts a dinner for some

FONTAINEBLEAU – Distell South Africa will be hosting an evening of food and brandy with noteworthy comedian and 'Masterchef ' contestant Chris Forrest.

Distell South Africa will be hosting an evening of fine postill brandy tasting and a special meal cooked by comedian and celebrity Masterchef contestant Chris Forrest at his home in Fontainbleau on 31 March.

The purpose of the dinner will be to introduce a group of social media professionals and journalists to the world of South African potstill brandies.

Distell SA Brandy ambassador Nick Holdcroft will be guiding guests through each tasting.

Holdcroft was very excited about the upcoming evening. “Food and brandy has always been a wonderful experience. Many people pair desserts with a mature potstill brandy. Now, with the help of recent celebrity Masterchef contestant, Chris Forrest, we plan to show how brandies pair well with all courses and some of the most unexpected meals,” he said.

Holdcroft pointed out that South African brandies are world renowned for the quality. “Currently, South Africa produces the best brandies in the world. Each of these brandies have won an international gold medal at a spirits competition within the last 12 months,” he said.

The backdrop of the evening will offer some insight into the real life of comedian and celebrity masterchef, Chris Forrest. Forrest will be cooking up a three-course feast and sharing some of his latest plans, including his latest show Who’s your Daddy.

Chris Forrest was pleased to host the upcoming brandy tasting dinner, “I’m really looking forward to the evening, I enjoy entertaining and meeting new people, and this will give me an opportunity to do both while testing out some of the cooking skills that I recently acquired. Hopefully, the guests will come away from the evening without food poisoning, and enjoy quality cuisine and brandy while they’re at it,” he said.

Musician Shaun Jacobs, who is also one of the guests, will play a few of his hit songs including Love Can.

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