
Randburg residents’ input needed on City Power complaint survey

RANDBURG – Electricity billing and maintenance issues? Fill in the survey and help our councillors fight against it.

An open letter sent by Johannesburg Democratic Alliance Ward councillors, calls upon residents and businesses to share their City Power woes and complete a survey which will allow them to hold the electricity provider responsible for faulty billing and maintenance incompetency. It reads as follows:

Dear Residents and Business Owners,

In response to the numerous complaints received by our councillors in Johannesburg regarding the provision of electricity and the resolution of problems by City Power, the Democratic Alliance is conducting a study in order to gauge the extent and nature of the problems, as well as the level of service received from City Power, its technicians, sub-contractors and fault logging facilities.

We would be grateful if you would complete this questionnaire to assist us in collecting the information and identifying problems. The survey will be announced in council, delivered to the Mayor and MMC for Infrastructure, as well as published by the press and circulated by our councillors.

Your name and contact details will not be made public. They are requested purely for verification purposes should the council wish to verify that the respondents to this questionnaire are indeed residents of the City of Johannesburg and that these are indeed your opinions on City Power. A list of completely anonymous responses will not be taken seriously and could have been made up.

The questionnaire takes 5 minutes to complete. Please click on the link below to open it:



Thank you for your assistance in helping us to understand the full extent of the electricity situation in Johannesburg. We are hoping that the results obtained will facilitate real change and better service.


City of Johannesburg DA ward councillors.

The councillors have urged residents to share the survey with others living in the City, because the data analysis will be will be more substantial and convincing if the councillors garner as much support as they can.

Details: Democratic Alliance

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  1. I think City Power is not proffesional, this of pimville where i live, the electricity poweroff every week, and they take the whole week to come fix it. that means we spend 5 days in the dark, when they come late, and it will only be there for two days, on third day it goes off again, am reportin. this even now there is no electricity ( Pimville Zone 9). Some of us we work monday to saturday we strugle to bath in the morning because there’s no warm water, even to cook. Citypower is a serious problem, it seems like they don’t care, they come whenever they feel like to. How can you live in the dark for 5 to 7 days? A serious action need to be taken.

  2. I think the new electricity meters are just not working. Have been presented teicewith an electricity bill 5 timeshigher than ever before.No response to e-mails. Went to Rbg. Municipality and was promised the problem would be sorted out. No luck so far

  3. My electricity bill has been between 3 and 4 000 for the last 8 mnths and I fail to see why as we have converted everything to gas. We only use electricty for the TV at night. The meter City Power put in showed a reading of over 100Kw on a day when we had a 12 hour power cut. I am completely sick of Eskom and City Power and have refused to pay my account this month, and if they cut me off so no biggie I shall just go without TV, I have hot water,gas cooking facilities and heating.

    They are charging honest citizens for their shortfall and I for one have had enough of their corrupt practises. It is grossly unfair that the ordinary citizen must continue to bail out the country, it is about time we had a decent government who govern responsibily and stop pinching the peoples money.

    It is quite obvious to me that City Power and Eskom is run by incompetants who don’t have a care in the world with regard to the economy of this country, as long as they get a big fat cheque for all the new Mercedes, why bother doing anything at all for the people.

  4. Electricity bills goes higher and higher –
    We switch off where we can even our pool filter
    we only switch on at times – still getting these high estimated bills – they installed a smart meter but dont see a change on the account still reading estimates – try to phone
    City Power about the Smart meter but do not get through to them.
    Isabella Kotze

  5. I paid R14794.41 on the 19/08/2014 statement for july on the 26/08/2014 I received another statement for August R25823.68 I really don’t understand this tried to call this damn lazy XOLANI who failed to assist asking me to take a picture of the metre and bring it to there offices for investigation what shit investigation (CITY POWER cheating us FINISH AND KLAAR)

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