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Soup kitchen feeds the needy in Zandspruit

ZANDSPRUIT - Community members have taken it upon themselves to help.

Zandspruit residents, old and disabled, never have to go a day without food, any longer. There is now a soup kitchen feeds the hungry on a daily basis next to the clinic.

“The old people, disabled and young children come to eat here each day. Some people rely on this because they have no other means of getting food,” said Ward Councillor Maureen Scheemann.

The kitchen feeds about 300 people daily.

“Zandspruit has 25 000 families and more than half of those do not have a steady income,” ward councillor said.

A new group called Wena wenzani meaning “what are you doing”, has taken it upon themselves to help the community and they ask the others to get involved.

“I started the soup kitchen through gardening and growing potatoes. I spoke to the councillor to assist me with pap to feed the community,” explained Alphios Mashile founder of Wena wenzani.

This community initiative also goes door to door supplying the sick with food.

“A lot of people have died because they were sick and didn’t have food to eat before they take their medication so we are trying to combat that with this venture,” Mashile said.

“I have a sick daughter at home and I have to take care of three of my grandchildren. Without this kitchen we would not survive,” remarked Agnes Sithole.

Pastor Johann Breda from Empact Center church and his team are also involved in feeding the needy in Zandspruit.

“We took it upon ourselves to help because it is our responsibility as the church to help; we cannot always wait for the government,” said the pastor.

According to Breda, poverty is a major cause of various social ills such as crime and prostitution.

Mashile added that he is grateful and humbled by the assistance they get from the church. “The church gives out food every Wednesday and pray for the people which is exactly what this community needs,” he said.

Wena wenzani is currently building an apt kitchen for people to cook and eat it.

Details: Alphios Mashile 084 585 0752, Pastor Johann Breda 011 929 3038.

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