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Reckless taxi drivers on President Fouche

Taxis play an important role in our community.

People without cars rely on them to get from one place to another. However, despite the many benefits of taxis they remain a real danger.

Resident and commuter Ria Maree said, “I travel every morning on President Fouche Drive and the taxi drivers drive on the dirt alongside the tar road and on the wrong side of the road towards oncoming traffic, almost causing collisions”.

According to Maree, one taxi driver almost ran a man, his wife and their dog over who were walking next to the road. “They do not care about anyone else driving or walking on that road. They hold up all the traffic as the cars in the right hand lane hardly give them leeway.”

In response to the complaint, the Randburg United Local and Long Distance Taxi Association (Rullta) public relations officer Alfred Mashishi said, “This would not be the first time we have heard of this, the last time someone complained about this we thought we sorted the problem out. We do not want to disobey the law. If one of our drivers should be in the wrong we will have him disciplined”.

Mashishi added in future they would bring back the patrol squad on the road to keep tabs on the drivers. Randburg taxi rank property manager, Johannes Rammala said commuters and passengers needed to report such matters to the right people for a resolution.

Feraday Taxi Association (FTA) public relations officer, Rackson Mubzanani said, “We cannot control how the taxi drivers drive, we have spoken to them about respecting other road users, but it often falls on deaf ears. We have forbidden drivers to drive recklessly.

“Motorists who see taxi drivers drive unlawfully should take down their vehicle registration numbers as well as the time they saw the vehicle. This makes it easier for us to track the driver down and have him dismissed.”

Details: FTA 011-614-9053 or Rullta 011-326-0250, pro@rullta.co.za

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One Comment

  1. To whom this may concern

    I was going through the internet looking for related posts regarding this issue, and stumbled across the Randburg Management District website. where a Lady by the name of Maree complaining about Taxi drivers driving down on Olive Street turning right onto President Fouche Drive.

    IT IS RIDICULOUS!!!! every morning I drive down that road and Taxis completely skips the traffic by driving on the opposite lane!! causing a grid lock to happen when there are cars coming from the opposite direction, and then the taxis would force their way into the left lane but because the traffic is not going anywhere, everything just stands still! and they wouldn’t think twice about damaging your vehicle in the process. Also what gives them the right to drive all over other peoples lawn, destroying them and damaging their property?? and because of them other drivers are following the taxis causing even more havoc!

    This morning because of the taxis, it took me 1 hour to drive 800m down from Olive street to the President Fouche traffic light!! my wife was late and got a warning from her work as a teacher at a school in Olivedale because of those inconsiderate drivers. and i’m pretty sure there are many others who gets delayed for at least 20 to 30mins every morning because of them!

    I have sometimes seen traffic officers there at the traffic light, but during those days all the taxis seems to obey the traffic rules, and when they are there, the traffic is bad but at least it flows, but they are not there every morning, and its during those days that these inconsiderate drivers seems to just take it for granted that they can do whatever they want!

    Please look into this matter URGENTLY as this has been going on for such a long time already! and its getting to a point where something needs to be done!

    Also the email address which is linked to this post doesn’t work. (pro@rullta.co.za), just shows the level of service we actually get.


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