NWU collaboration key to enhancing education in Potchefstroom SAPS

Cobus Steenkamp from North-West University advocates for increased collaboration between SAPS and NWU to improve education standards within Potchefstroom's police services.

The Ministry of Police under the new leadership of Minister Senzo Mchunu, with deputies Cassel Mathale and Polly Boshielo, presents a fresh opportunity for the professionalisation of the South African Police Services (SAPS). Cobus Steenkamp, a lecturer in Police Practice at North-West University (NWU), highlights the potential for significant improvements within SAPS, particularly in Potchefstroom, a city renowned for its educational institutions.

Steenkamp points out the concerning disparity in tertiary education among SAPS personnel. With 179,502 members in SAPS, only 404 continuous tertiary-education bursary holders and 276 new bursary applicants were recorded between 2022 and 2023. This equates to a mere 0.004% of personnel holding tertiary education bursaries. Steenkamp believes that the Potchefstroom SAPS, with its proximity to NWU, is ideally positioned to pioneer efforts in increasing these numbers.

He calls for enhanced cooperation between SAPS training institutions and universities, particularly those offering police-related qualifications. Currently, only one annual meeting occurs between the SAPS head office and attending universities, which Steenkamp deems insufficient. He advocates for regular engagement to ensure relevant and updated police-related curriculum development.

In Potchefstroom, the potential for collaboration is significant. Steenkamp suggests that funding should be made available for conferences aimed at developing police-related academic discourses and facilitating networking with practitioners. This would benefit not only the Potchefstroom SAPS but also the broader policing community.

Promotions within SAPS, according to Steenkamp, should recognize tertiary-education qualifications as essential elements of career development and enhancement. Potchefstroom SAPS could lead the way in implementing policies that prioritize education in promotion criteria.

The integration of technological advances from the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions into SAPS units is another critical area. Steenkamp advocates for funds to support research projects on the application of new technologies, ensuring SAPS units have access to relevant academic and operational research. Potchefstroom, with its strong academic presence, is well-placed to spearhead pilot studies at local SAPS stations or departments.

Marketing and promotion of tertiary education and personal development benefits should be integral to the orientation programs of new trainees at police academies. For Potchefstroom SAPS, incorporating these elements could set a precedent for other regions.

Career development opportunities are also crucial. Steenkamp emphasizes the need for SAPS personnel to attend career fairs at universities to gain information on available policing programs. NWU could play a significant role by allowing its career guidance specialists to visit SAPS training institutions and assist officers in their decision-making regarding further studies. Program information on police studies should be included in internal career development programs and at SAPS career centers.


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