The adoption process simplified

Not everyone can fall pregnant easily, therefore the next best thing is adoption. But most people are intimidated by the process or don’t know where to start. If you are one of those, here is a short guide on what to do and how to do it. The adoption process may seem lengthy and complex, …

Not everyone can fall pregnant easily, therefore the next best thing is adoption. But most people are intimidated by the process or don’t know where to start. If you are one of those, here is a short guide on what to do and how to do it. The adoption process may seem lengthy and complex, and to some extent it is but in the end, it will all be worth it.

Stage One: Starting the adoption process

This might seem obvious but the decisions you make during this stage may determine how successful your adoption process will be. It involves:

Top tips:

  1. Only social workers accredited for adoption are able to process adoptions. Be sure to check your social worker’s credentials before you begin.
  2. Where possible, try to get a personal recommendation before you choose a social worker. If in doubt, contact the National Adoption Coalition for a list of reputable social workers and agencies.
  3. Remember that your social worker will evaluate your suitability to be adoptive parents and drive the process of selecting your child so it is essential that you are compatible and able to trust her.
  4. Agencies and social workers vary is their pricing, timing and policies. Be sure that they disclose these details and that you take them into account when selecting one.
  5. If possible, avoid agency hopping—it can be a cause of concern for social workers.

Stage Two: The screening process

The screening process may seem quite daunting but don’t be put off— while time consuming, these tasks are relatively easy for you and your partner to complete. They include:

Top tips:

  1. Social workers are very busy people but for the most part, the screening process will move as quickly as you want it to.
  2. Some of these tasks involve expense (such as the medical, police clearance and psychological assessment). Be sure to budget for them.
  3. Social workers are open to you stating your preferences regarding your child (including age, gender, health, race and whether the child was abandoned or given up for adoption consensually). Be specific, but realistic and remember that some criteria make it harder for the social worker to find you the right child and this will make your wait longer.

Stage Three: Waiting for a child

This is often the hardest part of the process. After a period of heightened activity everything goes quiet for a bit and it seems that not much is happening.   But nothing could be further from the truth. While you are waiting, your social worker is busy looking for suitable children and your child’s social worker (usually not the same person) is ensuring that the child selected for you has been qualified for adoption.

Stage Four: Meeting your child

And finally, you will get the call—your social worker has a child for you. She will brief you about the child and ask if you want to proceed. If you agree, she will organise for you to meet your child. Places of Safety handle these meetings differently. Ask if you can learn the child’s routine and preferences.  Feed, bath and change her, put her down for naps and introduce her to your family. When you take your child home, the Place of Safety will provide you with the necessary documentation which will authorise you to keep him or her in your home until such time as the legalities are finalised.

Stage Five: Completing the legalities

The last stage involves completing the legalities through the Children’s court. This includes:

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