Why it’s important to get your baby vaccinated

When you leave the hospital after delivering your baby, you will be given an immunisation card which schedules when your child should visit the clinic for their immunisation. During this visit, they also track the development of your baby and if there are challenges, they are highlighted. Because of your busy schedule, you may be …

When you leave the hospital after delivering your baby, you will be given an immunisation card which schedules when your child should visit the clinic for their immunisation. During this visit, they also track the development of your baby and if there are challenges, they are highlighted. Because of your busy schedule, you may be tempted to miss these appointments. But you need make time to take your child to get immunised and on time because if you don’t, your child may be vulnerable to deadly diseases. If you can’t get to the clinic, most pharmacies around your area provide this service at a minimal fee. So, there is no excuse for not getting your child immunised. Remember that when you apply for your child to start school, their immunisation card will be needed as part of the acceptance requirements.


Immunisation is life-saving

Immunisation in children has taken control of a number of life-threatening diseases, including eliminating the wild polio virus, maternal and neonatal tetanus, and drastically reducing the cases of measles, that is according to the South African Journal of Infectious Diseases. The World Health Organisation backs this up and attributes the prevention of between two and three million deaths around the world, annually to immunisation. So next time, you are tempted to skip an appointment, think of this: How many times has a child out there been exposed to a vaccine-preventable disease and has been able to fight it off as a result of immunisation. This should be motivation for you to put everything aside and get your child to the clinic for more ammunition against diseases.


Vaccinations are safe

As a parent, you may have certain reservations about vaccines but rest assured that they go through rigorous testing before they are approved. They are safe even though your child may feel a level of discomfort, tenderness and mild side effects after getting injected. The benefits of vaccines far outweigh any discomfort and even though your child might react and get an allergic reaction, this is rare.


Immunisation makes financial sense

Treating a life- threatening diseases may prove costly. Rather get your child immunised so that they do not get to a point where they need expensive intervention that could have been prevented in the first place. It’s a vital investment in your family’s long-term health.


Handy tips when taking your child for vaccinations


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