NWU canoe club braves the waves

The annual trip is arranged by Prof Henk Louw at the University as the coordinator

The North West University Canoe Club students recently enjoyed their annual trip to Jeffreys Bay to experience surfing with specially designed kayaks.   Each year the club takes a variety of kayaks down to Jeffreys Bay during the winter holiday to introduce novice paddlers to kayak surfing.

The annual trip is arranged by Prof Henk Louw at the University as the coordinator – who has been a paddler/river kayaker for many years and enjoys introducing the youth to the surf. The goals of the JBay trip are to introduce novices to kayak surfing (safely), do teambuilding, get fit and have fun.

Martin Fourie


The novices usually start using  large wide, stable sit-on-top kayaks, progressing to more responsive kayaks towards the end of the week. JBay never disappoints in terms of waves and this year was no exception, with many students overcoming fears to challenge a few big ones.

“Despite numerous spectacular wipeouts, flips and rolls, and swims,  each day ended with lots of smiles and fireside stories to the tune of  – “That one was massive!”  – We can’t wait for next year ”  which warms the heart of the Professor and mentor, Henk Louw.

Ronnie Botha and Danika Barnard


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