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The short and sweet of things – The phone call every parent dreads

Yesterday we received “the phone call”… You know… The one you wish never receive and the one you are totally not prepared for.

Yesterday we received “the phone call”… You know… The one you wish never receive and the one you are totally not prepared for.

My husband phoned me yesterday, after his ex-wife phoned him, after she received a phone call from the school… Okay, now I’m out of breath… “Honey, the school phoned and Armand cut his head open”. What? Head open? Oh no, that is really bad! Is he okay? What happened? PANIC!

… My heart stops for a second or five and after another call from his mom we established that his head is fine, he actually just bit the inside of his lip really bad when he tackled his cousin playing rugby.  He is indeed okay. Nonetheless, I meet up with hubby at the doctor. Armand is all smiles even with this swollen lip. He is safe and in his dad’s arms. We can relax now.  Later the day we pick him up for rugby, no sign of the “drama” earlier the day. Happy as a clam!

Wow, when did that happen? When did I switch roles? I remember being Armand’s age and falling out of a tree after a boy threw me with a peach like it was just yesterday. Now I’m receiving phone calls saying my stepchild got hurt…and BANG just like that… I realise what my parents must have felt like when I got hurt.

Wow, isn’t it amazing to be a kid. All you need is love and somebody to pick you up and say everything is going to be okay. Armand’s accident took me back to my childhood and even though I got hurt a lot (I was a real Tomboy), it never hurt for long, because my mom and dad were always there ready to dry my tears and to cheer me up.

Only now, do I realise that each time I got hurt, it must have been really bad for my parents to see or experience. Their hearts must have stopped as well, just like mine did yesterday. This parenting thing is really a big responsibility, but I’m glad that we were also there for Armand, just like my parents were there for me.

I really hope that none of you ever get that phone call, but if you do, strongs and hopefully its nothing too serious. Be safe!

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