The harder you work the more you will receive!

Pardon me if you have repeatedly heard this from me, but I believe this should be said over and over again, some people are plain lazy and do not give their all in whatever endeavour they undertake.

Pardon me if you have repeatedly heard this from me, but I believe this should be said over and over again, some people are plain lazy and do not give their all in whatever endeavour they undertake.

This irritates me a great deal. Our lives, driven mostly by the people we look up to has given the impression that we can get things on a silver platter. This is not so. The media (TV, newspapers, magazine etc) also gives out the notion that we can get things that actually have to be earned, easily. I mean we see it everywhere today. We see it in tenderpreneurs no one has even heard of getting multimillion-dollar business deals, or athletes getting huge sports contracts, or musicians suddenly going platinum. All of these images repeated over and over again give the appearance that you, too, can make it overnight. Hell no! Wake up and smell the coffee! Yes you, wake up! Nothing is for ‘mahala’ and you should not fool yourself by thinking that everything will fall from the sky as if it is ‘manna from heaven.’ A huge problem I experience in daily life are people who are unable to start a task, finish a task or even just complete it halfway. And you see it today – everyone wants to get one more something to be something or start something. Yet they do not to work hard. Our credential crutch is entering dangerous economic waters.

Yes you, wake up! Nothing is for ‘mahala’ and you should not fool yourself by thinking that everything will fall from the sky as if it is ‘manna from heaven.’ A huge problem I experience in daily life are people who are unable to start a task, finish a task or even just complete it halfway. And you see it today – everyone wants to get one more something to be something or start something. Yet they do not to work hard. Our credential crutch is entering dangerous economic waters.

Some of the brightest folks will never get a degree, get employed or even open that franchise that they have been dreaming of, why? Because they are lazy. They often just do it for the sake of doing it without the intention of finishing it.

Check out the list of famous dropouts. It’s amazing. That guy who achieved straight A’s in class wher is he? He didn’t want to work harder ne? Giving it 100% in everything you do surely can’t kill you, can it? One of my greatest bosses taught me to “Just do it.”

Get it out there, tweak it later. Too many people believe that no matter how hard they work, they won’t be successful. You can’t give in to that belief. Remember, you’ve already admitted that there is something great out there for you. So you have to also believe that on the other side of the journey is that success. Hard work is what exists in the middle of where you are and where you want to be. Stand up and work your butt off!

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”-
Colin Powell


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