North-West University duo wins Southern African debate championship

North-West University students Ponatshego Moselakgomo and Zukisani Nameka clinched the championship title at the Southern African Debate Championship, showcasing exceptional debate skills and intellectual prowess.

Zukisani Nameka and Ponatshego Moselakgomo from the North-West University Debate Society emerged victorious at the Southern African Debate Championship, held at the University of Botswana in Gaborone from July 7 to July 14. Their triumph in the grand final highlights their exceptional debating skills and dedication.

The pair skillfully navigated nine preliminary rounds before excelling in the elimination stages. In the final debate, they faced formidable opponents from Stellenbosch University, University of Witwatersrand, and University of Zimbabwe on the motion “This House Opposes the research and development of brain emulation.” Their compelling arguments impressed a panel of seven judges, leading to their well-deserved championship title.

Jaco van der Walt, Head of Arts at North-West University, praised their achievement, stating, “The hard work put in by the NWU Debate Society students has truly paid off. This championship not only showcases their debating prowess but also underscores the importance of such events for exchanging ideas on complex topics. NWU Arts is proud to support its students in these enriching opportunities.”

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