JB Marks responds to urgent calls to repair potholes near Potchefstroom Hospital

Discover how JB Marks Municipality swiftly resolved hazardous potholes near Potchefstroom Hospital, easing community concerns and enhancing road safety.

Residents of Ward 4 in Potchefstroom have witnessed a positive development regarding their longstanding concerns over hazardous potholes near Potchefstroom Hospital. The J.B. Marks Municipality’s prompt action, through its dedicated Plumbers, have addressed the issue effectively, easing the community’s worries.

Previously, residents had urgently called on municipal authorities to tackle the deteriorating road conditions, which often filled with water, posing risks to pedestrians, particularly hospital visitors. Their impassioned appeals to MMC Modise for Infrastructure highlighted the imminent danger these conditions posed.

In response to the community’s concerns, the plumbers from the municipality swiftly intervened, demonstrating their commitment to public safety. This proactive approach has alleviated the immediate threat posed by the potholes, offering relief to pedestrians and motorists alike.

Moreover, residents also expressed apprehensions about traffic management at the junction, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts across municipal departments. The involvement of MMCs responsible for Safety and Security was crucial in ensuring comprehensive solutions to both infrastructure challenges and traffic control issues.

“The safety and security of our community were paramount in our actions,” stated a spokesperson from the Ward 4 Committee, acknowledging the municipality’s swift response to their plea.

The portfolio committee Chair echoed these sentiments, commending the municipality for their immediate action. “We appreciate the prompt repairs and safety measures taken by JB Marks Municipality,” the Chair affirmed.


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