Girl Guides makes a difference in the lives of little girls

With Girl Guides, young girls get to learn valuable life skills while also having fun.

Girl Guides South Africa (GGSA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to empowering young girls and women through a variety of programs and activities. GGSA focuses on personal development, leadership skills, community service and outdoor adventures. It provides a supportive environment where girls can build confidence, develop new skills and make lasting friendships. By participating in GGSA young girls learn valuable life skills, gain a sense of responsibility and are encouraged to contribute positively to their communities.

Lori Frith, leader of Girl Guides, took over from Dianne Meere who was the leader for 38 years. She says she has always had a passion for kids.

“My own daughter is a part of Girl Guides and I have always loved children and love working with them.”

Every girl gets a chance to earn badges and they are taught a different set of skill each year. They do dancing, drama, coding, art, crocket and so much more.

Lori says her biggest dream is to one day open her own centre where she can teach young adults some skills to better their lives.

“I would love to teach young people about how to correctly set up their CV, teach them etiquette and other life skills that isn’t taught every day.”

Guides meet every Friday from 15:00 to 17:00 at the Methodist church.

Girl Guides and their mothers take a yoga class on Mother’s day.
Lori Frith, leader of Girl Guides.
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