REVIEW: Service delivery woes in Potchefstroom

Amidst community outcry and political turmoil, discover the urgent need for change and accountability in local governance.

As the sun rises over Potchefstroom, the residents of this once-thriving town are greeted not by the promise of a new day, but by the stark reality of poor service delivery that has become their daily norm. The JB Marks Municipality, which is responsible for the well-being of this community, has been marred by scandal, mismanagement, and a lack of basic services that are fundamental to any municipality’s core function.
The situation in Potchefstroom is a microcosm of the broader challenges facing local government in South Africa. The municipality’s financial woes are well-documented, with a budget deficit that has spiraled out of control. The shortfalls in revenue from essential services like electricity and water are symptomatic of a deeper malaise that has seen the municipality hemorrhage funds, unable to stem the tide of financial mismanagement.

The outsourcing of services to entrepreneurs has been a contentious issue, with many questioning the wisdom of contracting out services that the municipality is mandated to provide. This practice has not only led to increased costs but has also been linked to corruption and nepotism, as contracts are awarded without due process or transparency.
The Auditor-General’s report paints a grim picture of the municipality’s financial health, with unauthorized, fruitless, and irregular expenditure running into millions of rand. The lack of accountability and the pervasive culture of lawlessness that the report highlights are indicative of a system that is broken beyond repair.
Community leaders like John Zerwick and Hans-Jurie Moolman have been vocal in their criticism of the municipality’s failure to deliver basic services. Zerwick’s prediction of the municipality’s inability to pay salaries is a chilling reminder of the dire straits in which JB Marks finds itself. Moolman’s lament over the lack of prioritization of Potchefstroom’s needs and the challenges of unemployment underscore the human cost of this mismanagement.

Promosa’s plight: Water dribbles from a drain, highlighting the ongoing struggle for basic services in the face of municipal challenges. Photo: Jade Sateria

A Resident in Promosa named Glenville Fransman said that he have witnessed firsthand the decline in service delivery and the impact it has on their daily lives. The focus on politics, they argue, has overshadowed the urgent need for effective governance and service delivery.
The re-election of the ANC in the North West Province has done little to assuage the fears of the residents of Potchefstroom. The party’s apparent refusal to face reality and implement professional financial management principles has led to a situation where the future of the municipality hangs in the balance.
The FF Plus has called for a strong and ethical coalition government to replace the ANC, with the party positioning itself as a governing partner that can bring about much-needed change. The past elections are seen as a pivotal moment for the residents of Potchefstroom to demand accountability and a fresh start for JB Marks Municipality.
The bad publicity surrounding JB Marks Municipality is not just a reflection of poor service delivery; it is a testament to a system that has failed its people. The stories of water shortages, pothole-ridden roads, and unreliable electricity are not just inconveniences; they are the lived experiences of a community that has been let down by those entrusted to serve them.

The history of JB Marks Municipality is littered with missed opportunities and unfulfilled promises. “The merger between Ventersdorp and Tlokwe was supposed to bring about efficiencies and improved service delivery, but instead, it has resulted in a monster that has consumed the resources of both towns, leaving them in a worse state than before,” echoed Zerwick.
“The residents of Potchefstroom are not asking for much—just the basic services that are their right as citizens. They deserve clean water, reliable electricity, and roads that are safe to travel on. They deserve a municipality that is transparent, accountable, and focused on serving the needs of its community,” exclaimed Moolman.
As the JB Marks Municipality stands at a crossroads, the choices it makes will determine the future of Potchefstroom. The community is calling for change, and it is up to the municipality to listen and respond. The past elections offered a chance for a new beginning, but it will require leadership that is willing to confront the challenges head-on and implement the reforms that are so desperately needed.
The JB Marks Municipality’s service delivery woes in Potchefstroom are a clear indication of the broader challenges facing local government in South Africa. The financial mismanagement, corruption, and lack of basic services are symptoms of a system that is in urgent need of repair. The residents of Potchefstroom are calling for change, and it is up to the municipality, and the leaders that the community will elect, to heed their call and work towards a brighter future for all.


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