
Take extra caution when driving this festive season

There is just something about this time of year when everyone seems to be in a hurry and the rules just don't seem to apply. 

There is just something about this time of year when everyone seems to be in a hurry and the rules just don’t seem to apply. 

They overtake on blind spots, some speed and some drive all night without taking a break. These are several factors that contribute to the high number of accidents during the holiday season. 

And this year, the festive season seems to be filled with inclement weather conditions so extra caution is needed. Here are some tips to keep in mind when hitting the road this festive:

  • Do not drink and drive
  • Obey the rules of the road and carry your driver’s license with you.
  •  Plan the route to your holiday destination and give yourself enough time to reach the destination
  • Make sure that your vehicle is in a roadworthy condition before departure. All lights and indicators, windscreen wipers, brakes, steering, exhaust system and tyres should be carefully examined for faults.
  • Try to avoid driving after at night 
  • Have a good rest before you embark on your journey
  • Take safety breaks every 2 hours or  200 km
  • Beware of potentially dangerous drivers on and pedestrians alongside the road and keep well clear of them
  • Always wear your seat belt and see that everyone in the car is wearing theirs.
  • Stay within the speed limit at all times

If you see negligent driving, you can report them to the National Traffic Call Centre Number: 0861 400 800

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