NPO uplifts young women

In honour of celebrating young women, Feisty Female, an NPO that aims to uplift women in need in and around Potchefstroom hosted their first ever #PeriodOfDignity event on Thursday, 21 July where young women were educated about the power of being a woman.  The event was held in Promosa at the Jesus loves you ministry …

In honour of celebrating young women, Feisty Female, an NPO that aims to uplift women in need in and around Potchefstroom hosted their first ever #PeriodOfDignity event on Thursday, 21 July where young women were educated about the power of being a woman. 

The event was held in Promosa at the Jesus loves you ministry and led by Ntswaki Magase (Bafenyi Trust) where guest speakers included Santi Britz from Initiative for Dedicated Upliftment and Care (IDUC), Ntaoleng Monyatsi (Social worker), Martha Twenty (Retired nurse) Dineo Masigo and  Elizna Leibbrandt (Feisty Female)

The aim of the event was to educate and empower young girls as well as provide them with sanitary pads as many girls miss school due to their menstruation because they do not have access to sanitary products or they feel ashamed.

Guest speakers educated the girls about menstruation, female hygiene, and sexual assault and gave them an empowering message to provide them with hope and much-needed basic life tips

The #YourPeriod initiative aims to address the issue of period poverty within the community and ensure that more young girls stay in school. Feisty Female has collected approximately 8 000 disposable sanitary pads in the community of Potchefstroom with the help of charitable citizens that pledged pads to make a difference.

At the event, the identified girls from the communities of Ikageng and Promosa received a care pack with disposable pads and other necessities.  Feisty Female has also pledged to provide these girls with sanitary pads each month until December 2022.

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