Athletes in Need gives back for Mandela day

To do their part for Mandela day, Athletes in Need in collaboration with the National Youth Services (NYS) and National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) celebrated their 67 minutes on Friday, 22 July 2022. 

To do their part for Mandela day, Athletes in Need in collaboration with the National Youth Services (NYS) and National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) celebrated their 67 minutes on Friday, 22 July 2022. 

They kick-started the day by cleaning and painting the Khuma Stadium change rooms with the support of community members and athletes from different sports clubs.

“ The initiative focused on creating a conducive environment for athletes, and teams that use the facilities regularly.”Busang Molekane, chairperson of AIN explained. 

“ It also seeks to help alleviate the rife substance abuse and other related illegal activities that take place at the facilities,” he added. 

The second part of the celebration which took place on Saturday,23 July was the awards handover ceremony for the Khuma Youth month celebration.

The organization remains resilient in the attempt to create an athletic environment in the Khuma township and other areas as well. In the words of the late former president Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible, until it is done”, Molekane quoted.



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