A letter to thank the Oupa Sebolai foundation

Oom Johnny Lekgeto From Kanana in Ikageng writes a letter to Mrs Mmathebe Sebolai to thank her for continuing her husband's legacy.

Oom Johnny Lekgeto From Kanana in Ikageng writes a letter to Mrs Mmathebe Sebolai to thank her for continuing her husband’s legacy.

I felt so blessed and joyful, as I came across your story in the Herald, where you cheerfully show the goodness of being an inspiration to all people irrespective of their status. I’m so thankful and happy with your donations at Jane Letsapa Primary School, may the glory of the Lord shine on you every day.

It is wonderful to see you taking pleasure in continuing the great work of serving the community and continuing your husband’s legacy. Your passion and peaceful heart remind me of your late husband Mr Oupa Sebolai. The relationship you two had shows that God’s plan was never to hurt anyone but to give light to those who appreciate it. Your kindness and being polite clearly showed us that you come from a family of merciful people.

Last year before the death of Mr Sebolai, he once promised to buy me an artificial leg but he, unfortunately, passed on two months later and by God’s grace, and I was able to get a leg.
I thank you for never giving up on doing the great work. I pray and believe that God will be with you and sustain you to keep on doing more for his people. I would like to leave you with a verse from Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 8. “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”.

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