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Mother relieved after 8-year-old daughter survives accident

On Saturday, 23 October 2021, family, friends and members of the community were gathered at the DA councillor, Glenville Fransman’s house for a motorcade and prayer session when his niece was involved in an unfortunate accident.

On Saturday, 23 October 2021, family, friends and members of the community were gathered at the DA councillor, Glenville Fransman’s house for a motorcade and prayer session when his niece was involved in an unfortunate accident.

Around 16:00, a driver sped down Kleurpoort Street in Promosa and collided with eight-year-old Alvamay Louw, standing on the side of the yard with her cousins.

“The driver was coming from the left, going up the road and somehow hit my niece who was safely playing on the right-hand side of the road,” Fransman’s wife, Cheron Fransman explained. “He was driving so fast that he only managed to stop about 60 metres after bumping into her.

“He wanted to drive off but due to the number of witnesses and our brother taking his car keys, he could not escape,” she said.
At the time, Ava’s mother, Peggy, was at home and was only going to join the rest of the family later that evening.

“I kept thinking of my daughter the whole time and couldn’t understand why. A few hours later, as I was about to get some rest, I got a message that my baby had been in an accident,” she said.
“I must admit, I didn’t take it seriously at first because my family and I always play pranks on each other, but I still had a weird feeling,” she said.

Peggy rushed to her brother’s house and, to her horror, her little girl was lying on the road, face down.
“I immediately asked the accused what had happened and, instead of being sympathetic, he swore at us and was quite arrogant; he showed no remorse,” she said.

To add to the family’s distress, the family claims the two police officers who were on duty were of no help and seemed much more interested in talking to the accused.
“Formal procedures weren’t followed. As we speak [Tuesday, 26 October], we still don’t have a case number,” the councillor said.

“The treatment we received from the police was disheartening. A young child was injured but they seemed not to care,” Peggy added.

The police spokesperson, Colonel Adele Myburgh, says the case is still under investigation. “The child’s statement was taken yesterday, 26 October, after she was discharged from hospital,” she said.
“The first police responders on a crime scene evaluate the victim and alleged suspect/s to determine if they are under the influence of liquor.

Among other things, they check their eyes, speech, mobility and smell. This information is captured in a formal statement and will form part of the police investigation and will also be presented before the court. First responders must also ensure that any injured parties get immediate medical assistance by contacting the emergency medical and rescue services (EMRS),” she added.

“Our daughter is going through a lot of pain and trauma,” Peggy said. “She keeps apologising for what happened and has asked us to let it be, although it was not her fault.”
The driver was escorted from the scene by the police. Ava is currently on crutches. She sustained injuries to her ankle.

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