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Wavering: an exhibition portraying light and hope

“Wavering” is the title of Tracy Odendaal’s solo exhibition that opened at the Snowflake building last Wednesday (13 October). In this inspiring exhibition, the local artist uses photographic images of a burnt field.

“Wavering” is the title of Tracy Odendaal’s solo exhibition that opened at the Snowflake building last Wednesday (13 October).

In this inspiring exhibition, the local artist uses photographic images of a burnt field. She studied these images to find interesting compositions of dead sticks and natural material. “I like to take small detail from the endless source of visual stimulation in nature, focus on it and use it as a mirror to reflect on life’s story,” she says.

To her, the dead sticks reflect on aspects in our private lives and social spheres that no longer have life. She refers to the troublesome Covid period when she says, “storms, fire, and trials have exposed our foundations on various fronts over the last season.”

For Tracy, there is a place for lamenting the loss. “Everything that once flourished has now left a void that aches and people need to find time to grieve.” Yet, Tracy doesn’t only focus on loss and death. Through her paintings, she also wants to send the message that life carries on and one needs to find something in the space left.

The title of this oil painting is “Budge”.

Tracy has chosen to highlight the shadows and light surrounding this bleak landscape. The shadows of the branches have a certain magical quality.

Unlike the lifeless branches that represent things beyond repair, the shadows have potential movement as the light changes. “Shadows are not permanent. There is some- times even a peaceful beauty in their soft caress,” says the insightful artist. It is as if the shadows are wavering – quivering, flickering.

The titles of each painting point to this aspect of movement – there is a shifting and changing. “The hope I have tried to depict in these stark images is not that of a fresh new sprig of growth, but rather, that even in the depths of despair, the right light can alter the landscape of our hearts.”

Tracy Odendaal at one of her larger oil paintings in the Coffee Shop at the Snowflake building. Photo: Venessa van der Westhuizen

In her art, Tracy uses nature and its relationship to God to reflect on her story. “Just as the complexity of design and composition found in a natural scene can change with every glance, so can life and our relationship with God change as we focus on different details,” she says.

“Wavering” is Tracy’s personal experience of her relationship with her Maker. “He is described as the Light of the world. And the shadows we live with can be moved by His glory. I’ve echoed what David wrote in the Psalms: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…(Psalm 23:4).”

To Tracy, matters of the spirit may seem as intangible as shadows. “We cannot touch them or hold onto them; their fleeting nature often leaves us unsure of where we stand. Even our confidence in a loving God can waver. But, without the light, there are only dead sticks. Let’s bring the dead brush of our lives into His light and see what happens.”

The exhibition ends Saturday 13 November. 

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