Rotarians distribute free Setswana children’s books

Following a generous donation of more than 11,000 brand new, beautifully illustrated hardcover Setswana books, the Potchefstroom Rotarians are helping the local public library to distribute these jewels in Setswana- speaking areas.

Following a generous donation of more than 11,000 brand new, beautifully illustrated hardcover Setswana books, the Potchefstroom Rotarians are helping the local public library to distribute these jewels in Setswana- speaking areas.

At the end of last year, the J.B. Marks library in Sol Plaatjie Street received the donation of children’s storybooks from Anansi Publishers in the Cape after they had closed down. André Conradie, the owner and manager of Anansi, didn’t want the books to go to waste.

The local library had already started distributing the books to local schools and libraries but had to close during the lockdown. The librarian, Louise Markram, contacted the Rotarians in Potchefstroom, who jumped at the opportunity to help with the distribution process.

The president of the Potchefstroom Rotary Club, Johnny Ford, said they are storing the books safely. They are distributing them, not only to the libraries of primary- and nursery schools but also to individual learners at schools. Teachers and learners who are interest in Setswana books may contact Johnny at 082 804 7835.

Learners at Laerskool Noordvaal Primary have also received their own Setswana books.

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