
Office of the Premier denies DA’s notion of lying to the public

The North West (NW) office of the premier denies the allegations made by the Democratic Alliance (DA) that the NW premier, Prof. Job Mokgoro, or the office of the premier lied to the public about which facility he was admitted to after testing positive for Covid-19.

The North West (NW) office of the premier denies the allegations made by the Democratic Alliance (DA) that the NW premier, Prof. Job Mokgoro, or the office of the premier lied to the public about which facility he was admitted to after testing positive for Covid-19.

In a statement, the DA stated that Premier Job Mokgoro appeared before the National Assembly’s Cooperative Governance Portfolio Committee last Wednesday, 26 August. There, he mentioned that he had received medical treatment in Gauteng. “When the DA raised the point that the premier was admitted and getting medical treatment in Gauteng, his office issued a response, stating that he was receiving treatment in the North West. The office of the premier blatantly lied to the public,” said Joe McGluwa, the DA North West provincial leader.

According to McGluwa, Premier Mokgoro stated that he required medical treatment in Gauteng to be closer to his family. “While the premier enjoyed the privilege of receiving medical treatment at a facility of his liking, thousands of families must endure dysfunctional health infrastructure in the North West,” stated McGluwa.

He added that residents of the North West experience hospitals that are either crowded, lack resources and water supply, are without medication or short-staffed. “Premier Mokgoro missed an opportunity to experience first-hand the type of health services that his government affords ordinary citizens.”

They say the premier used his position to secure the best treatment and also be closer to his family. In contrast, others don’t have that luxury, due to the limitations of Covid-19 regulations.

Vuyisile Ngesi rejects the allegations brought forth. “Neither the office of the premier nor the premier have ever denied that he was in a Gauteng hospital after testing positive for Covid-19,” he stated.

He added that several mainstream media had conducted interviews from the premier’s medical bed, which confirms that he was admitted to a medical facility in Gauteng, instead of North West.

Ngesi explained that Mahikeng-based public service doctors had referred the premier to seek medical treatment in Gauteng. “It was not the premier’s decision to go to a hospital in Gauteng, but that of his family, in consultation with his doctors, who are based in Mahikeng,” said Ngesi.

North West Premier Prof Tebogo Job Mokgoro. (Photo: Office of the Premier – North West Province)

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