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Mediclinic staff conquer Covid-19

Kedibone Emily Matlhake (57), a CSSD assistant from Mediclinic Hospital, beat the odds and won her battle against the coronavirus.

Kedibone Emily Matlhake (57), a CSSD assistant from Mediclinic Hospital, beat the odds and won her battle against the coronavirus. Her journey was petrifying, but, with the help of the Mediclinic nurses and doctors, she tackled the road to recovery with hope. Emily started experiencing symptoms in June, the weekend before she was diagnosed with Covid-19. It was her weekend off at the time. She suffered severe chills throughout the weekend and couldn’t keep food down; she then knew something wasn’t right. Emily called one of the nurses at Mediclinic the following Monday, 29 June, and was advised to be tested for Covid-19 at the hospital. On Friday, 3 July, she tested positive for the coronavirus and immediately went into self-isolation. She spent three days in isolation, but her condition worsened. Emily experienced shortness of breath and had difficulty talking. She feared she would succumb to the virus. On 6 July, she was admitted to the Mediclinic hospital and was put on a ventilator and drips in the ICU. As a result of the dialysis she underwent during her treatment, she sometimes experienced blood loss but received blood transfusions. The doctors and nurses tried their best to treat the disease and she says they were always there for her. Emily spent about 10–12 days in ICU. Her condition improved considerably by the day and she dared to hope that she would live. On 19 July, she was transferred to Ward B and, on 23 July, she had recovered and was discharged. “I was overjoyed! I didn’t believe I would ever recover; I had already given up. But I was delighted. She says the pain she experienced along her journey to recovery was more bearable because of the support of the Mediclinic staff. She believes they wouldn’t have won the battle without them. She appreciates all those who kept her in their prayers during her time of need. Diana King, the spokesperson for Mediclinic Hospital, says some of their staff members have tested positive and have fully recovered. “We are grateful for each healthcare worker who has recovered and returned to service,” she says. Emily advises the public to use detergents like Jik to wash their dishes, clean and wipe the door handles regularly. She urges people to continue following strict preventative measures like always wearing a mask, applying sanitisers and washing their hands frequently.

Kedibone Emily Matlhake, a CSSD assistant who survived Covid-19.

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