Church leaders take charge

At 16:00 every Sunday, people from different denominations get together to pray for the churches to stand together, they pray for the city and the country.

“The social ills of a community cannot be addressed if the church keeps quiet and doesn’t pray.”

This is the opinion of Pastor Elias Modise from the Full Gospel Church of God at a prayer assembly in Ikageng.

Modise is one of the church leaders in Ikageng who started a prayer movement three months ago. They want to change the community by inviting them to pray together.

At 16:00 every Sunday, people from different denominations get together to do just that. They pray for the churches to stand together and for Potchefstroom and the country.

Different churches take turns to present the prayer gatherings. Pastor Palo Mutsi, from the Apostolic Faith Mission, says they are trying to avoid the prayer meetings belonging to one particular church or person. “All the churches of

Potchefstroom need to unite as the body of Christ. A divided house will never stand and we, therefore, need to break the walls that divide us,” he says.

The prayer meetings aim to influence society by encouraging people to stand up for what is right. The church leaders speak out against corruption, bribery, anarchy and all the negative influences that are currently ruining our society.

The Herald went along to experience the prayer meeting. We gathered at the Full Gospel Church of God, a humble building in Ikageng. The prayer meeting started with song and praise. Then, Pastor Jane Mogongwa from Promosa read a short scripture from the Bible. She delivered a short but powerful message – people need to start shifting their focus by giving God their attention and time.

And then we started praying. People pray aloud, at the same time but each on their own. One is moved by the loving, loud buzz and not for one moment do you feel uncomfortable. After solo prayer, everyone moves into groups to pray together. I’ve always struggled to pray aloud. I met up with a friendly young woman named Pearl, who prayed with me and I didn’t even feel anxious.

The experience left me with a feeling of warmth and acceptance. I truly experienced love with my fellow Potchefstroomers, feeling part of a community equally dependent on God.

The next prayer gathering will take place on Sunday 16:00 at the Living Waters Ministry in Extension 12. Everyone is welcome. Anyone with enquiries may phone Pastor Jacob Mofokeng at 079 210 4565.

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