
Family shattered after murder of peace-loving brother

“When I heard about his death it was unbelievable. I couldn’t believe my eyes when they showed me the photo of my brother lying in a bush with his intestines out of his body.”

“When I heard about his death it was unbelievable. I couldn’t believe my eyes when they showed me the photo of my brother lying in a bush with his intestines out of his body.”

Sylvester Palmer fought back the tears as he told the Herald about the tragic death of 31-year-old Aidan Palmer, his younger brother, who was brutally murdered in Promosa last Saturday.

Sgt Kelebogile Trom, the SAPS spokesperson, said the police were called to Kleurpoort open field in Promosa at about 06:00 Saturday. “They arrived at the scene and found a man lying, facing upwards and his intestines outside. He was full of blood and had a stab wound on his back. A 27-year-old man, David Chrisjan and a 31-year-old woman, Davina Schoeman were arrested in connection with the murder. They were both released on bail,” said Trom.

Sylvester said the family is shattered. “God will heal us again. Aidan’s mother is in the hospital for post-bereavement stress. Her sister was in an accident recently and now the death of her son. This is too much for her,” he said. He described Aidan as nice, friendly, shy, a person who loved peace and jokes.

“He was our genius. He could fix geysers, cell phones, computers and other appliances. Nothing was impossible for him. He could also play drums and keyboard,” he said proudly. Laurinda Palmer, Aidan’s sister-in-law, described him as a peaceful person. “He will never fight or talk back at you. He was not someone to hate. He will always admit his wrongs and apologize,” she said.

Laurinda and Sylvester say they will miss everything about him. “He used to tease you and laugh at you at the same time,” said Laurinda.

The family had little to say about the suspects who murdered him. “They must make peace with God. They must go back to God and ask for forgiveness,” he said.

Aidan’s funeral service will start at 60 Kleurpoort Steet in Promosa at 08:00 and will proceed to Grace Tabernacle Church at 9:00 on Saturday.

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